
I’m struggling to know where to go next. I thought I wanted to knit Anécée by Mélina Hami but when I bought the pattern and started the swatch I just wasn’t feeling the mistake seed stitch. Too much back and forth. So I searched around for other items suitable with the yarn I bought and settled on Cove Palisades by Kay Hopkins but when I made the swatch I just didn’t feel the drive to keep going.

It’s a pretty swatch for sure. Nice royal purple.

Next I purchased Every Day Sock by Rachel Boulahanis but when I started on that one I was having trouble getting gauge and didn’t have a smaller needle to try. So I gave up.

Finally I looked at BAGGU Pouch by Beatrice Mase. I have yarn in my stash I could use for it but when I looked at the pattern it feels complicated and stressful.

Honestly, I’m having trouble at work right now. I got promoted back in October and my new job is finally starting to pick up but everything is new, challenging, and just generally very stressful. I don’t want my knitting to be work too. I’ve been working on the advent bias wrap a bit but haven’t made much progress on it. I’m still in the red yarn so it looks the same when I take pictures.

Hopefully this is just a slump that I can push through both knitting wise and professionally. All things are temporary.

6 thoughts on “Indecisive

  1. This too shall pass – but it’s hard to take comfort in that while it’s passing! I hope something catches your eye soon.

  2. I hope things settle down at work – but there’s always the adjustment period with new jobs/new responsibilities that takes time to work through! Give yourself some grace and I’m sure your knitting will pick back up/become easier to settle in with once you’ve gotten through that period.

  3. Congrats on the promotion! Hopefully you will feel back in control soon. Maybe a nice simple raglan sweater would be the ticket. That is such gorgeous purple yarn. I love it as is or maybe paired with mohair if you like fluffy. You know I’m a fan of the Sea Glass that doesn’t have to be knit with 2 yarns but could easily be knit in one color for a nice simple stockinette round yoke sweater.

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